percolation communications

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Meet the Percolation Writers!

Anna LauAnna Lau, PhD

Sr. Medical Writer

Anna enjoys reading, especially about current events, biomedical research, nature, space, art, architecture, history, and economics. She spends most of her vacations checking items off of her state/national parks bucket list, discovering new parks, visiting museums, and eating. The rest of the time, she bakes and tries to fit as many crosswords as possible in between batches of cookies. Someday, she will make time to ski, bowl, and travel more.


HeatherHeather Lasseter, PhD

Medical Writer

Having lived in numerous places around the country, Heather finally settled in North Carolina, where her love of the mountains and ocean can be indulged equally. When not zipping around on her bike, she can be found lost in a book or cooking for her friends and family – the more challenging the recipe, the better. Her interests include all things neuroscience – particularly the underpinnings of learning, memory, motivation, and reward – as well as exploring the local arts and music scene and traveling with her much put-upon cat, Percy.


Alison WagneAlisonr

Medical Writer

Alison transitioned to medical writing from laboratory science recently enough to still have nightmares of forgetting to feed her cell cultures.  She is now enjoying medical writing while still keeping up with the research world. She has a special fondness for anything related to neuroscience/immunology, especially microglia and Parkinson’s disease. In her free time, Alison plays volleyball, attempts to be a runner, and futilely tries to exhaust her border collie. She uses her background in behavioral neuroscience to train her dog to do useful tricks like getting her a drink (work in progress:  stemmed glasses are tricky) and keeping her cats in line (also a work in progress).



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A little about us

Percolation, a Blue Ocean Pharma company, was established in 2006 as a fully integrated scientific communications agency built on integrity, innovation, and excellence. Our company was founded on the principles of applying proven theories and processes to medical marketing strategy development; and creating unique programs with a clear return on investment and the ingenuity to unearth truly market-moving opportunities.

Our 100% virtual company allows us to hire the best, based on talent, expertise, and cultural fit—not location— and apply state-of-the-art technology in our routine tactical execution. We aim to flawlessly execute and deliver scientifically rigorous and compelling content on time and on budget.


Our partnerships are built on:

  • Mutual trust and respect between all parties
  • Open, seamless internal and external communication
  • The recognition that we are an extension of our clients when collaborating with key stakeholders
  • An unwavering commitment to scientific integrity with awareness of brand objectives and marketplace
  • Minimizing costs and maximizing return on investment
  • Periodic metrics documenting achievements and progress toward goals/targets
  • Flawless execution
  • Delivery of traditional programs and tactics and incorporation of innovative approaches and technology
  • Offering novel proprietary programs, such as Percolation Mapping® and meeting support through Divergent Consolidation™
  • Ability to adapt to rapidly changing environment and increasingly strict regulations and reporting


Identifying the ultimate outcome before embarking on the journey is key to Percolation’s approach to implementing effective commercialization strategies. Whether it’s a single product or a full launch plan, having an end goal in mind from the start is paramount for success.